Help to Stop Smoking in Grampian
If you live in Grampian and would like free help and support to stop smoking then you can contact the NHS Grampian Public Health Healthpoint service. Call our Healthline on 08085 20 20 30 and speak to an advisor who can help you find the right support for you including access to free stop smoking medications such as Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). You can also e-mail Healthpoint on and an advisor will get back to you, or follow this link to request a call back.
The Healthpoint service is available Mon-Fri 9-5pm.
You can also get free support to stop smoking along with free access to NRT from your local community pharmacy. So stop in past any pharmacy whenever you can and speak to one of the staff who will help you find the right support for you.
Healthpoint can help with much more than just helping you stop smoking and is your one stop health information point, offering free, confidential information, advice, support and signposting to reputable services. This can be for you or someone you know.
Trained advisors can discuss:
· Health concerns (please note that we do not provide medical advice)
· Practical ways to improve health, such as weight loss, increasing activity, financial support
· Provide a listening ear
· Mental wellbeing
· Health coaching
· Support groups and organisations, and the services they offer
· How to access appropriate NHS services
· Self-management advice for long term conditions e.g. Asthma, Diabetes
Advice and support is offered on a 1-to-1 basis over the telephone, via e-mail or a video consultation can be offered through the NHS Near Me platform.
Stop Smoking - Health Benefits
Published: 24/03/2025 16:30