HMP Prison - Prisoner Health

Many prisoners come from the most deprived and vulnerable backgrounds. Evidence suggests that improving physical and mental health and wellbeing can result in a reduction in reoffending and a break in the cycle of inter-generational criminal behaviour.

Nurse and Patient

The aim is to provide services as similar as possible to that expected in the community, offering the same opportunities for treatment and recovery, including a focus on health improvement initiatives, in keeping with national recommendations.

Areas of need and the focus of much of our objectives will include:

  • Alcohol, drug and tobacco use
  • Mental Health and wellbeing
  • Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses
  • Diet, exercise and body weight
  • Dental health
  • Long Term Health conditions
  • Parenting

The healthcare team inc. specialist input will pursue a common purpose with the SPS to improve access to care appropriate to the needs of individuals and to work with other key agencies to ensure attention to proper assessment, treatment and throughcare.

Published: 19/11/2020 11:56