Healthfit 2020

Healthfit 2020 is the term used to describe all activity in NHS Grampian which will improve what we do and move us towards our Healthfit 2020 vision (pdf). This vision sets out how the NHS in Grampian could change over the next 5-10 years.

A considerable amount of work is already underway to modernise what we do.

This webpage will shortly be updated with information on the main Healthfit 2020 developments and details of how you can get involved.


Healthfit 2020 will be updated based on the engagement and consultation with the public, staff and partners during 2021 as part of the development of our future plan which is due to be published late spring 2022.  Full details about 'NHSG Plan For the Future 2022-2028' are available by clicking this link.


Published: 02/09/2022 11:28