Ugie Hospital

Ugie Hospital is situated in the Buchanhaven area of the fishing port of Peterhead on the north east coast.  It's set in its own grounds overlooking the Ugie estuary and the golf course.  Originally named the Burgh Hospital, it was built as a fever hospital and opened in 1807 with 2 wards, each with 14 beds, and an administration / staff accommodation block.  Having seen many changes over the years, including becoming part of the NHS in 1948, the hospital was renamed Ugie in 1953 to reflect these.

The hospital is supported by GPs from the Peterhead or Crimond practice and a Consultant Geriatrician and Consultant Psychiatrist.

Ugie Hospital, Ugie Road, Peterhead, AB42 1LZ

Tel: 01779 472011   Fax: 01779 822600

Visiting times are subject to change. You should phone the ward before planning your visit to confirm what the visiting times are, by calling the NHS Grampian switchboard on 0345 456 6000 and asking to be put through to the ward.

Ugie Hospital, Ugie Road


Patient Transport

Wards & Visiting

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The hospital provides for:

  • care of the elderly / slow stream rehabilitation
  • psychogeriatric beds
  • a day hospital which offers assessment of patient with early stage cognitive impairment.

All three areas are supported by GPs from the Peterhead or Crimond practice and a consultant geriatrician and consultant psychiatrist.

Clinics are held on site by the consultant psychiatrist, senior house officer (S.H.O.) and also a clinical psychologist.  Also based in the hospital are community psychiatric nurses and an occupational therapist of the old age psychiatry team, and a podiatry clinic.

The manager of the North East Care Management Team has an office in the hospital.  A care manager and Aberdeenshire Council out of hours service are also based at the hospital while carer's meetings take place regularly on the site.

The League of Hospital Friends also uses the site for occasional fund raising activities including an annual fete held in the grounds of the hospital and the start and finish point for their annual sponsored walk, after which they provide some 'healthy eating' snacks for the participants.  Money from which is regularly spent on patients as well as equipment for the hospital.



Shared Facility

Published: 16/05/2022 15:27