Racism: Do not Suffer in Silence!
1) What is racism?
Racism is being treated badly by someone because of your:
- Colour
- Nationality
- Ethnic or national origin
- Language or accent
Racism can take many forms such as:
- Physical aggression
- Verbal aggression
- Name calling
- Negative or insulting comments
- Language designed to denigrate or belittle you or your work
2) Who should I tell if I experience racist behaviour?
Never suffer in silence! You can talk to:
- Your Line Manager
- A Race Equality Champions/Ambassador
- The Equality and Diversity Manager
- The Assistant Equality and Diversity Managers
- A trusted colleague or friend
- The Human Resources Department
- A Trade Union and Staff Side Representatives
- The Occupational Health Service
- An external organisation such as the Grampian Regional Equality Council
These individuals can give you help, support and guidance on how to proceed.
All forms of racism are illegal under UK and Scottish law. It is also a breach of the NHS Scotland Bullying and Harassment Policy. A copy of this Policy can be found at this link:
You have the legal right to work in an environment free from racism. We all have a legal duty to challenge racist behaviour in the workplace.
3) How do I Report Racism?
You or someone on your behalf, can complete a DATIX Report on the intranet. DATIX is the system which NHS Grampian uses to record adverse incidents.
Click here to Report Racism or Discrimination Incident.
Equality and Diversity Department
NHS Grampian
March 2022
Published: 31/10/2023 11:49