February Meeting - Creating a Speak Up Culture in NHS Grampian

‘Speak up culture and antiracism’ in NHS Grampian

Wednesday 19th February, 2-3pm on MS Teams 

The NHS Grampian Empowered Multicultural staff (GEMs) Group is delighted to invite colleagues to join our first meeting of 2025 where we will welcome Katie Cunningham, Whistleblowing & Speak-Up Manager who will discuss what a ‘speak up culture’ is, why is it important and the role of our 18 NHSG Speak Up Ambassadors in supporting those with workplace concerns.

During the meeting we will also have an update from Dr Sneh Banik, Diversity Champion about other pieces of work taking place to progress the antiracism agenda in NHS Grampian.

The GEMs Group has been established to provide a safe and welcoming space for our global majority colleagues, but also welcomes anyone who shares our vision of being an antiracist Health Board.

If you would like the link to join, please email us a gram.gemstaff@nhs.scot


Published: 17/01/2025 13:28