The NHS Grampian Antiracism Plan 2023 - 28
The NHS has a rich history of welcoming workers from all over the world, crossing socio-economic, geographic and cultural barriers.
NHS Grampian is part of this history and values its ethnically and culturally diverse workforce and recognises the benefits and contribution that a diverse workforce brings.
But how does this look in our workplace on a day-to-day basis and what can we, as an organisation, do to support our workforce and advance the equalities agenda within it.
We recognise that racism, discrimination and more commonplace micro-aggressions play a devastating role in the wellbeing of those affected, and that an organisational shift will be required to address these challenges and make progress towards becoming a workplace where everyone feels supported, included and empowered to make their best contribution.
This is the NHS Grampian Antiracism Plan for 2023-2028 (pdf). A version is also available to view in this PowerPoint presentation (pptx).