16 DoA Aberdeen

NHS Grampian Staff Equalities Network

Events taking place in Aberdeen


The Improvement Service’s 2024 16 Days toolkit has now been launched and is available to download.

Reclaim the Night

Aberdeen Women’s Alliance has begun planning for this year’s march which will take place on Monday 25th of November at 6pm. They are inviting wider partners to the next meeting on Wednesday 9 October

6pm, on Zoom (link to be circulated nearer the time). Please let Myshele (mhaywood@grec.co.uk) know if you would like to attend and if anyone can't make it to the meeting but has ideas/offers for the event, they're welcome to email Myshele and she bring their input to the meeting too. 

Safe and Together Event

A reminder that GWA and VAWGP will be hosting a Safe and Together awareness session at Curl Aberdeen on Tuesday 26th November with Ryan Hart. Please hold this date in your diary if you are keen to attend.

Women’s Wellbeing Event

The Health and Wellbeing team are holding a women’s fare on Tuesday 26th of November at the Townhouse from 10am-4pm. Organisations are invited to have a stall/flyer display at the Women's health and wellbeing fair on Tuesday 26th November at Aberdeen Towns house. Please contact Carol Baig: cbaig@aberdeencity.gov.uk & Tracey Buchan: tbuchan@aberdeencity.gov.uk if your service would like to attend/display flyers and posters.


Published: 24/10/2024 10:54