News and Updates
Staff Equalities Network 2022
Many thanks to everyone who has supported the Staff Equalities Network in 2022, and for all the fantastic contributions you have made during the year. I thought it would be interesting to share the attached slide to highlight what a progressive year it has been for EDI in NHS Grampian and the great partnership work that has taken place, both internally and with external stakeholders too.
‘Why equality and inclusion will be a priority in my leadership agenda’
The Staff Equality Network welcomes NHS Grampian Chair, Alison Evison on Wednesday 21st December at 2pm on MS Teams
Did you know that 16th January is World Religion Day?
In order to mark this important date in the equalities calendar, the Staff Equalities Network is keen to understand colleagues' experiences of being able to exercise their rights to observe the dates important to them and identify ways that the organisation can better meet their religious and spiritual needs of our diverse workforce.
Staff Equalities Network - Thank You
The Staff Equalities Network would like to say a BIG thank you to everyone that has attended meetings and contributed to activities during 2021.