‘Why equality and inclusion will be a priority in my leadership agenda’
Published: 12/12/2022 15:52The Staff Equality Network welcomes NHS Grampian Chair, Alison Evison on Wednesday 21st December at 2pm on MS Teams
The Staff Equalities Network is delighted to welcome the new Chair of NHS Grampian, Alison Evison to our final meeting of this year. Alison was appointed to the position in October 2022.
Alison served as President of COSLA from 2017-22, leading a diverse organisation and developing partnerships across the Public and Third Sectors. She represented Local Government in the formulation of the Covid response and recovery strategies at a national level. In addition, Alison served as Chair of the Improvement Service during a time of organisational change.
Alison is recognised for supporting diversity in office and for encouraging inclusion for all. She was honoured to have been appointed by care experienced young people in Aberdeenshire as their champion. She has held office as Co-Leader of Aberdeenshire Council and continues to serve as a local councillor, engaging regularly with people across the communities of the Mearns and focusing on community planning with local partners.
The Staff Equalities Network is looking forward to welcoming Alison at our December meeting to learn more about her and hear why equality and inclusion will be an important part of her leadership agenda for the organisation. Alison will also be very happy to take any questions from members of the Network.
If you would like the link to join the meeting, or if you would like to send your questions in advance, you can email us at gram.staffequaliteis@nhs.scot.