Becoming a more Neuro-affirming Workplace


“Neurodiversity in the Workplace”

The Staff Equalities Network invited colleagues to join this valuable information and discussion session on 21st June around neurodiversity in the workplace.  Details are available by clicking this link

NEG Diary of events

Monthly meetings held on the third Monday of every month from 11 am to 12 noon. To join distribution list:

23rd December 2024
NO MEETING – Christmas break

25th November 2024
An introduction to the Autism pathway in Grampian & trusted resources

Lizzie Archibald, Divisional Lead occupational Therapist/Clinical Lead Autism Team, with Jack Hellberg and Suzanne Harvey, Assistant Psychologists

28th October 2024

23rd September 2024
NO MEETING – Public Holiday

26th August 2024
NO MEETING – Summer Break

22nd July 2024
NO MEETING – Summer Break

24 June 2024
Coaching – Fiona Soutar (NHS Grampian)

Benefits of coaching for neurodivergent staff

Fiona Soutar – Lead Specialist – Leadership & Management Development, Organisational Development

27 May 2024
Speak Up Culture and Neurodiversity in NHS Grampian

Katie Cunningham, Whistleblowing & Speak Up Manager and Rachel Medich, Speak Up Ambassador & Neurodiversity champion

22 April 2024
Reasonable Adjustments – Pamela Jack (NHS Grampian)

Presentation and group discussion on ‘What is Reasonable?’

25 March 2024
Digital Project – Sandi Powell (NHS Grampian)

Sandi Powell is a Learning & Development Facilitator and Team Supervisor, Learning and Development

26 February 2024
Peer Support – Kate Smith (NHS Grampian)

Peer Support - Kate will explain Peer Support and how it developed. She will also share the project approach she took to evaluate, plan, deliver, review, expand and sustain. There will be a discussion about how this can be applied to the NEG and its members.

Kate Smith – is a Project Manager with We Care, NHS Grampian

22 January 2024
Umbrella A Capella and SUNN – Chloe Jackson

Umbrella A Capella Aberdeen nurse wants YOU for neurodiverse choir. Chloe Jackson hopes as many members of the public will join her at her Newly established community choir Umbrella A Cappella. This choir believes that everyone has a voice at Umbrella A Cappella so no talent is required to join her singing group. Umbrella A Cappella pride themselves on being Neuro-inclusive.

SUNN (Support and Understanding of Neurodivergent Nurses)
SUNN is a neuro-inclusive space designed to bring neurodivergent nurses together through similar experiences. The space also facilitates learning about neurodiversity, for colleagues who are nor neurodivergent.

Chloe Jackson is a neurodivergent Newly Qualified nurse within NHS Grampian diagnosed with ADHD, autism, dyscalculia, dyspraxia and dyslexia. She is extremely passionate about neurodivergence. She is honored to be welcomed to NEG to talk about her experiences of being a neurodivergent nurse and individual and will share some of her Neurodivergent projects. See above

Chloe’s “neurospicy” journey! – Support and Understanding for Neurodivergent Nurses (SUNN) (

25 December 2023 - No meeting

27 November 2023
SensationALL, Aberdeen - Dawn Brown & Suz Strachan

SensationALL is a small local charity, established in 2012 to support children, adults and families who are living with any additional support needs. This can be with or without diagnosis.

One of the new areas of work for SensationALL is a group for adults who want to learn more about their condition, whether diagnosed or self-identified, in a supportive and relaxed environment with like-minded folk and inputs from specialist neurodiversity practitioners.

Dawn Brown, is a trustee of SensationALL. She identifies as autistic and is currently awaiting formal diagnosis. She also has a son who has been diagnosed as autistic a number of years ago. Dawn is also a Development Manager at Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)

Suz Strachan Is one of the co-founders of SensationALL and leads their training and consultancy services, an HCPC registered Occupational Therapist with over 30 years of experience of working in the field of support needs, specifically in relation to autism, ADHD, learning disabilities and dyslexia. She has lived experience of neurodiversity, self-identifying with attentional challenges and has extensive family experience of neurodiverse conditions.

SensationALL - services for Neurodiverse individuals and those with multiple support needs


Published: 18/07/2024 15:29