Thursday - ‘I Spoke Up Day’

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Thursday 6th October

Welcome to day four of Speak Up Week – ‘I Spoke Up Day’

We hope you are enjoying all the information being shared in the daily brief and here on the Speak Up webpage.

Here are the resources for today:

In conversation with...

Join us for a Speak Up Week special "In Conversation with..." Caroline Hiscox who is joined by Sneh Banik, Consultant at ARI and NHS Grampian diversity champion, where they discuss the hugely detrimental effects of racism and the challenges it poses us as a healthcare organisation.

Advice on Equality and Diversity issues is available via the NHS Grampian Equality and Diversity team. Details available via this NHSG intranet link.

There are a number of ways people can speak up. Often this can be through your line manager but, if you feel that isn't appropriate, a concern can be highlighted in confidence here (Networked devices only).

You can also raise a concern with one of the confidential contacts via the short online confidential form at or by emailing 

Concerns can also be raised:

  • Through a manager or member of staff who can support you to make contact with a confidential contact.
  • Through your University or College, who can contact the confidential contact on your behalf and protect your identity completely.
  • Through your Volunteer Co-ordinator, who can contact the confidential contact on your behalf and protect your identity completely.

* Please note the confidential contacts are available to support and offer advice to anyone working, supporting, volunteering, or undertaking training in any place providing NHS services in Grampian, regardless of their role or who they are employed by.

‘Building Trust and Transparency’ – Online Panel Discussion

Thursday 6th October 2022, 3 – 4 pm (booking required)

The Independent National Whistleblowing Officer team (INWO) will be hosting an online panel discussion, on the theme of building trust and transparency. This will be hosted by Niki McLean, the Director of the SPSO, with speakers from Healthcare Improvement Scotland, SSE (previously Scottish and Southern Energy) and the Civil Aviation Authority. This panel discussion will offer other perspectives on how we can build trust and transparency in the NHS, to enable people to speak up.

To register for this live event please email Please note that spaces are limited.

  1. Speaking Up: staff responses, questions to ponder and personal commitments - a presentation format of the comments received, forworded with the themes and a definition and ending with a request to make a personal commitment.

  2. Supporting staff in distress and crisis Information Sheet

  3. Living the NHS Grampian values and behaviours







Published: 09/08/2023 15:20