Celebrating Diversity Festival 2023

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Wednesday 4 October 2023 will see NHS Grampian’s first Celebrating Diversity Event which will be held in-person at the Altens Hotel in Aberdeen.  The event will see the launch of what we believe will be the first Antiracism Plan of any Board in Scotland, and the launch of our antiracism video statement demonstrating our commitment to becoming the first actively antiracist regional Health Board in Scotland.

This work has been in response to concerns which were raised by students in 2020 highlighting experiences of racism and discrimination during their training. This triggered a significant response from NHS Grampian towards addressing these concerns, and the event and our commitment will lay the foundations of the work which will take place.

You can find out more about the Festival here NHS Grampian Diversity Festival and encourage colleagues to get involved in this ongoing work.  If you would like to find out more about the difference you can make, you can contact us at gram.staffequalities@nhs.scot.


Published: 28/09/2023 15:34