Welcome to Speak Up Week 2024
Speak Up Week 2024 will run from Monday 30th September to Friday 4th October.
The campaign aims to raise awareness of what it means to ‘speak up,’ creating an aware, engaged and energised workforce.
During the week we will be sharing information about speaking up in NHS Grampian and the ways in which we are working across the organisation to promote a healthy speak up culture.
Our programme for the week includes:
Launch event: Monday 30th September: Speak Up Week and NHS Grampian Antiracism Plan - 'One Year On’
10am - 12noon in the ARI Lecture Theatre (open to all)
2pm - 3.30pm via MS Teams (Senior Leadership Team session)
Whistleblowing and Speaking Up in NHS Grampian – In Conversation with Adam Coldwells & Bert Donald
NHS Grampian Interim Chief Executive Adam Coldwells and NHS Grampian Whistleblowing Champion & Non-Executive Board Member Albert Donald video discussing speaking up, whistleblowing and the part we all play in ensuring a healthy speak up culture:
Thursday 3rd October, 9.30am – 10.20am: Culture Collaborative: ‘A Programme of Speak-up - A Culture of Listen-up’
Presented by Katie Cunningham, Whistleblowing and Speak-up Manager and Louise Ballantyne, Head of Engagement and Organisational Lead for Whistleblowing
Speaking Up in NHS Grampian
Video outlining what it means to ‘speak up’ in NHS Grampian and what to do if you have a workplace concern, including how to contact one of the NHS Grampian Speak Up Ambassadors:
Pledge Video
Pledge video highlighting the commitment made by staff across the organisation in support of speaking up:
A highlight on psychological safety: a culture where staff feel able to offer suggestions and take sensible risks without fear of retaliation
Learn more about psychological safety in this three minute YouTube video:
TURAS modules on psychological safety can be accessed by clicking this link.
An opportunity to support the development of the Wednesday 9th October, 10am-11am ‘Kindness in Practice – Nurturing respectful interactions in the workplace'
This is a new session in development to increase understanding of kindness in the workplace and how it relates to psychological safety. To book this session, and share your experience of it, or to find out more see our TURAS page.
Independent National Whistleblowing Officer Online Events
The Independent National Whistleblowing Officer will also be hosting three live online events on the below topics:
- Leadership and Speak Up Culture - Monday 30th September
- Psychological Safety and Speaking Up - Wednesday 2nd October
- Understanding the experiences of those involved in the whistleblowing process - Thursday 3rd October
To register for a place on these sessions, visit: Speak Up Week | INWO (spso.org.uk)
Further information on the speak up process in NHS Grampian can be found at: Whistleblowing (nhsgrampian.org)
Profiles and contact information for the NHS Grampian Speak Up Ambassadors can be found at: NHS Grampian Speak Up
You may also be interested to visit the websites from Speak Up Weeks 2022 and 2023 which offer a range of dedicated resources and information designed to support colleagues.
Published: 26/09/2024 14:45