Equality and Diversity Training Seminars
The UK-wide NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) has been implemented for all NHS Grampian staff, excluding the Executive Cohort and Senior Managers and medical and dental staff, for whom separate arrangements apply. There is an ongoing cycle of review, planning, development and evaluation which links organisational and individual developments needs; this is a commitment to the development of everyone who works in the NHS. KSF outlines are developed for all posts which detail the knowledge and skills required for the post covering six mandatory core dimensions of:
- Communication
- Personal and People Development
- Health, Safety and Security
- Service Improvement
- Quality
- Equality and Diversity
As can be seen, equality and diversity is one of the six mandatory core dimensions. In addition, there are specific dimensions which reflect the key activities of each post. Equality and Diversity training is an essential element in the personal and career development of staff.
In the last 3 years, over 4,000 NHS Grampian staff have completed 'face to face' Equality and Diversity Training, which includes sections on each of the 9 'protected characteristics'. Attendance is recorded at each Seminar and feeds directly into staff personal development plans. This recording also allows us to extract statistical data.
NHS Grampian provides two levels of equality and diversity training:
- KSF Level Four is for senior staff such as, consultants, managers and senior charge nurses. It also meets the Equality and Diversity Training Requirement of the various Royal Colleges. It comprises 2 x 90 minute Seminar and is very much interactive.
- KSF Level Two is for supervisory and basic grade staff and comprises 1 x 90 minute Seminar. It covers the same topic areas as Level Four, but not in as much depth.
Experience has shown that offering these two levels of training meet the needs of all NHS Grampian staff. At present, there are a large number of legislative changes. Accordingly, both syllabi will continue to be updated on a monthly basis.
The Equality and Diversity Training plays an important part of helping NHS Grampian staff to be sensitive to the healthcare and cultural needs of our local ethnic communities.
Evaluation of training
Participants are encouraged to provide feedback (anonymously if they wish) by hard copy questionnaire at the end of the training or they can complete an on-line Feedback Form. If Seminars are provided for particular staff groups, often the department themselves will issue Feedback Forms and produce evaluation reports.
Other Training provided
NHS Grampian provides a wide range of other equality and diversity related training. This includes:
Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment
Since May 2005, all new or updated NHS Grampian-wide policies, strategies and re-organisational proposals have been Equality and Diversity Impact Assessed, using the methodology provided by the Scottish Government. Impact assessment in NHS Grampian began in 2005 in response to the NHS Reform (Scotland) Act 2004 which de facto, made Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment a legal duty for NHS Health Boards in Scotland. Since then, compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty introduced by the Equality Act 2010, has made Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment a legal requirement for all UK public bodies.
This requirement was reinforce din Scotland by the Equality Act 2020 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 20102, as amended,
The aim of Impact Assessment is simply to avoid policies, strategies or re-organisational proposals being introduced with the best of intentions, which discriminate against anyone who possesses one or more of the protected characteristics.
NHS Grampian has a trained and experienced Impact Assessor Trainer. Currently over 60 NHS Grampian managers and staff are trained Level One Impact Assessors. Impact Assessor Training Seminars are held annually. In a spirit of joint working and mutual co-operation, any spare places at the Impact Assessor Training Seminars are offered to partner agencies free of charge.
Language Line Training (40 Minutes)
'Language Line' is a telephone based interpretation system which gives staff access to expert interpreters, on the telephone, in 60-90 seconds, for over 170 different languages. NHS Grampian has 1089 'Language Line' Access Points, spread throughout Grampian, with staff trained in its use in each location.
At the training, staff are also shown how to set up and use the Konftel conference Call Units and to get the best from the Mobile 'Language Line' Access Kits.
Seminars on the NHS Charges To Overseas Visitor Regulations
This is a one hour in-depth Seminar.
Human Trafficking
This is a one hour in-depth Seminar.
Introduction to BSL
This is a one hour Seminar.
This comprises 12 x 1 hour Seminars completed over 12 weeks.
Video BSL training
This comprises a practical demonstration of how to set up Video BSL and get the most from it.
Customised Seminars
Customised Seminars can be provided on request.