Kinetic ID on white background


What is the POD LOCKERS Project?

NHS Grampian is helping design and develop lockers that will empower inpatients to administer their medication during a hospital admission. This will not only give patients more autonomy and comfort, but also allow them to get familiar with their medication in a safe environment and ease the transition into home care. These lockers will also help nurses keep track of medication easily with digital displays and information logs readily available. The lockers will be safe and accessible only to healthcare staff and the patients themselves through ID wristbands.

How are we making this happen?

NHS Grampian is co-developing the lockers with Kinetic-ID, a UK-based company. We are providing feedback and suggestions on how to make the lockers easy and comfortable to use for both patients and nurses. We will be providing evaluation by testing the Pod Lockers within selected wards to see how they work in supporting patient comfort and confidence.

Published: 05/12/2023 22:36