What We Do
- Work with clinicians and managers to define concrete examples of health and social care challenges that reflect NHS Grampian and Scottish Government strategic priorities.
- Identify close-to-the-market potential solutions and ensure NHS Grampian is an attractive environment to test and evaluate these products.
- Contribute to efforts to develop the necessary infrastructure, including a live clinical data environment to develop and deploy in-house and external innovation processes and products.
- Design and deliver projects of innovation activity, including analysis of effectiveness and system impact, this is in line with securing all Information Governance and R&D permissions
- Support all aspects of national innovation activity through attending and leading strategic and operational committees and groups.
Our Aims
- Provide strategic and operational leadership across NHS Grampian for innovation activity.
- Deliver projects and programmes that contribute significantly to efforts in the UK to generate innovative solutions to substantial health and social care delivery challenges.
- Ensure NHS Grampian contributes to decisions about the strategic direction and delivery of innovation activity in Scotland.