Climate Week 13th-19th September 2021
Friday 17th September
We hope that Climate Week 2021 has stirred up a little discussion amongst colleagues. The declaration of the climate emergency means that we need to prepare to live with the effects of climate change, some of which are already underway or inevitable. Adaptation to this is key and means transforming our relationship with the environment as it transforms.
Everyone has a role to play to help make NHS Grampian a climate resilient and greener, more sustainable organisation.
Contributing to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Thursday 16th September
NHS Grampian was recently successful in bidding for an NHS Workplace Engagement Officer via Sustrans. Katrina Schofield is now in post, and she will be working to increase the active and sustainable travel choices of NHS staff, as part of wider carbon reduction duties and helping promote cleaner air.
The bike shelter can take 20 bikes and is open to all staff using their ID badges, and pin number.
Here are some great reasons to choose active travel:
- Help the planet - by walking and cycling instead of driving you can help to reduce congestion, emissions and air pollutants.
- Walking regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease by 35% and depression by 30%!
- You can walk a mile in only 15-20 minutes or cycle this in 5. It could take longer to find a parking space and it will save you money!
- The cost of physical inactivity costs NHS Scotland £94.1 million a year. By choosing active travel, you can keep fit on your commute and help the NHS.
If you would like to know more about the Workplace Engagement Project, contact or Active Travel options at
Contributing to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Wednesday 15th September
Eco-anxiety is something many of us are feeling increasingly. It’s heightened by the media coverage of extreme weather events and climate-related loss of ecosystems. Understandably, you may feel a bit powerless when you think about the sheer scale of the global climate emergency.
For today’s Climate Week article, we want you to remember that even the smallest changes to your daily habits can have a positive impact on how we deal with climate change.
- Cancel Throwaway Culture! Using reusable items such as bringing your own coffee cup or water bottle to work significantly reduces the waste that is produced on site. NHS Grampian is also involved in the WARP-IT network, so items you no longer require can be re-distributed elsewhere.
- Go paper-free! As many of us adapted to working from home, we got used to a life without having to print every document we received. Utilising MS Office 365 and Teams effectively will save on printing.
- Get moving! Walking and cycling not only benefits you, it helps the environment as well. If it is a feasible option for you, take the extra time to enjoy the outdoors.
- Switch off! If you have a smart-meter at home, you may notice yourself switching off your lights more frequently to save money. The same logic can be applied at work!
- Taps aff! Water should also be considered. Make sure you turn taps off where possible
Tuesday 14th September
Collaborative working and sharing ideas is absolutely integral to making positive changes to tackle climate change. Today for Climate Week, we are looking at how NHS Grampian is working together with other organisations.
NHS Grampian has joined the Global Green & Healthy Hospitals network, which is part of Healthcare Without Harm. This organisation connects hospitals, health systems and health organisations from around the world under the shared goal of reducing the environmental footprint of the health sector and contributing to improve public and environmental health. Programs within this organisation include: Medical Waste, Toxic Materials, Safer Chemicals, Green Building and Energy, Healthy Food, Pharmaceuticals, Sustainable Procurement, Climate and Health, Transportation, Water.
Contributing to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Monday 13th September
This week is Climate Week! This annual event raises awareness of the global climate emergency, and highlights actions being taken to tackle climate change. Each day this week, we’ll highlight some things that NHS Grampian is doing.
Scotland’s Climate Week marks the six weeks to go until the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). This is the world’s biggest international summit on climate change and will be held from 31st October to 12th November 2021. COP26 will bring together heads of state, climate experts and negotiators to agree coordinated action to tackle the global climate emergency. To find out more about COP26 please have a look at the COP26 Awareness Module.
Registration is also open for NHSScotland’s Sustainability Conference, scheduled to take place on 10th November 2021, to coincide with COP26. Innovation cafés will feature sustainability and climate change initiatives in policy and practice across NHSScotland including public health, primary care, clinical, property and estates and facilities. This virtual event is free to attend, please register at