Three Year Delivery Plan


What are our goals for the next three years?

By the end of March 2027, we will:

  1. Strengthen colleague and citizen engagement to improve health
  2. Create the conditions for sustainable change
  3. Improve preventative and timely access to care

These priorities will help us to make significant progress towards the aims in our Plan for the Future.


What difference will these make?

Achieving the three goals would mean:

  1. We will have built a different relationship with our colleagues and citizens. We aim to be a partnership of equals.
  2. We will have made fundamental changes in how we deliver health and care to support future sustainability.
  3. We will have improved how people access care, working in partnership with them, and we will focus more on prevention.


How will we know we are making a difference? 

We will report our progress (and any challenges) to the Grampian NHS Board and to the Scottish Government every three months.  


We will also share updates with colleagues, citizens, communities and our partners and publish progress reports on the NHS Grampian ‘Plan for the Future’ website


How will we deliver these?

We can only deliver these priorities by working with our citizens, colleagues and partners, including the third sector. 

To ensure our resources will make the biggest impact, we have listed key actions for the first year (by March 2025). These are described within the links below: