Right workforce to deliver care now and in the future
- Roll out e-Rostering and Safe Care IT systems
- Increase research and development activity
- Start implementing the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act
- Implement a review of Band 5 Nursing roles
- Implement a reduction in the working week
- Reduce costs associated with using supplementary staffing, such as agency and locums
- Implement plans for reshaping workforce in support of sustainability
- Improve percentage of colleagues completing statutory and mandatory training
Culture & wellbeing
- Deliver resources for managers to support culture in teams and health and safety compliance
- Use survey outcomes to support culture development
- Target change support to services where improvement in culture is identified as a priority
- Appraisal completed for 50% of all staff
- Implement protected learning time for staff
- Use a broader range of mechanisms to support Health & Safety compliance and improvement
- Take steps to reduce overall level of sickness absence for NHS Grampian.
People powered health
A vision that recognises people’s lived experience and opinions as a valuable asset in helping shape health.
- Set foundations for ‘putting people first’ approach, including developing staff skills and testing new ways of engaging
- Consider how to increase our use of volunteers
- Develop an integrated assessment tool to ensure we make strategic decisions that do not increase inequality
Children's health & wellbeing
- Scope the provision of High Dependency and Critical Care Services of children in the North of Scotland
- Deliver actions in the Child Poverty Action Plan
- Agree model for pathways of care for long-term ventilated children and children with complex care packages
- Improve transition pathways for children with disabilities and complex needs
- Maintain elective paediatric surgery activity
- Achieve gold standard for UNICEF baby friendly initiative in community child health teams and work towards gold for maternity and paediatric services
- Implement the next milestones for the Moray Maternity Plan
- Improve maternity triage across NHS Grampian
- Implement Best Start to meet national standards
- North of Scotland Regional Neonatal Implementation Plan
- Women’s Health Plan