Employment, procurement & physical assets
- Develop our Anchor Strategic Workplan and a core dataset, working in partnership with other agencies
Population Based Approach to Health
- Year 1 actions within our Health Equity Plan (2024-2029)
- Agree our approach to support local Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA)
- Provide specialist Public Health input to support the National Mission on Drugs to reduce deaths and improve lives
- Deliver our Joint Health Protection Plan (JHPP) and modernise the surveillance system for Health Protection
- Implement Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Action Plan for Scotland in Grampian
- Evaluate local projects from Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) that aim to address the cost of living
- Deliver adult weight management redesign pathway working with partners and embedding prevention for pre-diabetes, Type 2 and gestational diabetes
- Develop a plan to embed prevention within our healthcare pathways
Greening health systems
Making our model of care more environmentally sustainable and adapting to climate change
- Complete the Foresterhill biodiversity project
- Reduce inhaler emissions through prescribing guidance and education
- Develop new clinical waste reduction programme.
- Develop quarterly recycling improvement action plan
- Develop quarterly emissions and energy use reduction plan
Infrastructure – Building & Equipment
- Finalise construction and commission new Mortuary building
- Ongoing construction of the Baird Family Hospital and Anchor Centre
- Address high priority backlog maintenance and essential equipment replacement
- Develop a Whole System Infrastructure Plan in line with Scottish Government guidance
- Implement the Facilities and Estates healthcare associated infection (HAI) workplan
Value Based Health & Care
- Embed Shared Decision-Making into Flying Start programme and describe models that demonstrate how it has been implemented in selected services
- Support pathway redesign
- Develop Future Care Planning resource
- Improve transparency and governance of good quality patient information
- Identify and reduce waste, including prescribing
Dr Gray’s Hospital Strategic Plan
- Redesign of Theatres Pathways, Surgical Services Pathways & Front Door/ Emergency Department
- Site Infrastructure priorities included as part of NHS Grampian Infrastructure overview
- Implement linked projects with Value and Sustainability Programme to address rostering and locum use
- Continue to develop engagement with staff, fellow anchor organisations and public as stakeholders.
- Complete Policy for Clinical Skills Centre
- Prepare Year 2 Annual Report for NHS Grampian Board