

The Board’s Asset Management Plan includes a “balanced” five year investment programme which outlines how we intend to use the various sources of funding available to the Board in support of our strategic priorities. It also includes a “long list” of other priorities for investment in infrastructure, delivery of which will be dependent on the availability of additional funding in the coming years.


The Plan for the Future sets out the Strategy to deliver equitable access, inclusive growth and improved population health and wellbeing through the transformation of how we provide our health and social care services. To achieve this we will require a very different type of infrastructure to reflect the changing patterns of service delivery including an increasing reliance on new technology.


The Asset Management Plan will therefore focus action and investment across the following key areas:

  • Progress the transformation of service delivery across portfolios and pathways, responding to new and improved ways of delivering services that require fewer assets, with services increasingly delivered in people’s homes and local communities, on an outpatient basis, on a mobile basis and through the continued digital transformation of health and care delivery, access and support.
  • Improve estate and asset performance on all key indicators, including an environmentally sustainable and carbon neutral infrastructure, reduction in significant and high risk backlog maintenance and a continued programme of essential equipment replacement.
  • Disinvest from buildings with high operating costs, backlog maintenance requirements, or short remaining life where these do not meet future service requirements; and
  • Invest in and develop in new technology including access to the latest, smartest, and most clinically effective medical equipment, simplification of the existing information technology infrastructure, whilst simultaneously allowing additional investment and improved resilience.


Additional Reading