Performance Assurance


Our shared outcomes represent the benefits we want to deliver, reflecting the perspectives of citizens, colleagues and partners. To support achieving this we have made progress in developing the NHS Grampian Integrated Performance Management and Assurance Framework through 2022/23.


We have co-created and designed performance assurance reports with NHS Grampian Board and the Performance Assurance, Finance and Infrastructure Committee members to ensure they are aligned and sighted on the ‘Plan for the Future’, the Annual Delivery Plan milestones and critical areas impacting organisational performance, paying attention to risks and the actions required to manage them while also highlighting areas of good performance and learning. The use of a tiered reporting approach enables functionality and ease of reviewing performance information. The Board ‘How are we Doing’ reports can be viewed via the link below.


The development of the shared outcomes within the framework has drawn upon the engagement process of the Plan for the Future. It is also underpinned by the quality ambitions of safe, effective, person-centred care. Building on the themes and key output from the public and staff engagement phases, which were used to develop the strategic intent, draft high-level outcomes were produced. These have been refined through testing with a range of groups to arrive at the final set of shared outcomes which reflect the vision to 2032.


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