

Our vision is to provide excellent healthcare and training in a vibrant research environment to improve the health and care outcomes of our local communities in the North East of Scotland and beyond. We will embrace research and innovation as a means of promoting, enabling and sustaining health and well-being.


Our ambition is sweeping. Health and social care organisations face unprecedented challenges that require transformation and innovation at scale. We want to create the conditions that enable research to be at the heart of these efforts to provide outstanding care to our community, as well as enable increased capability to deliver traditional high quality research trials. To achieve this, we need a seismic shift in strategic and operational collaboration among our three organisations, and investment in our infrastructure. Most importantly we need to ensure our talented staff are able to develop research careers whilst maintaining patient-facing roles.


Our aim is to provide a vibrant research active community that plays a leading role in research and innovation in medical science and healthcare delivery. The reason for this is simple: organisations that highly value innovation and research deliver better clinical outcomes for the communities they serve. Our intention is to cultivate a culture where research, improvement and innovation are core to everything we do, and where collaboration between healthcare, academia and industry is promoted and nurtured. Supporting and developing our multi-disciplinary staff is crucial to increasing our research activity and to providing greater opportunities for our communities to become involved in clinical studies

Our Commitment to Research