What is Putting People First?


What is Putting People First?


Based on extensive engagement and best practice, Putting People First, is our agreed approach to listening to and involving everyone living in the local area.

This is endorsed by the NHS Grampian board and is a long term commitment to changing how we do things. 


Over the next 2 years we will set the foundations for the approach, working within existing resources and collaborating across teams to test new ways of working.  In setting these firm foundations, this will help the approach grow and spread to become business as usual over the next 8 years.

The approach is all about nurturing relationships between people and valuing the expertise of those seeking care as much as those providing it.

This process starts with what is strong not what is wrong and engages with the talent and expertise which exists within staff teams, the wider community and the third sector.

We know that to achieve this, ‘engagement’ is not solely the focus of the specialist engagement team but needs to become something all teams are supported to do.  This is about encouraging everyone in the system to apply the following principles in your day-to-day work:



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