Why have we chosen this as a priority area of focus?
As a well-established and large organisation, NHS Grampian can influence economic, social and environmental sustainability. This can bring health benefits resulting from employment, from (local) purchasing and procurement as part of a circular economy, and from organisational and community partnerships.NHS Grampian is an anchor organisation because:
- We are one of the biggest employers in the North East of Scotland.
- We have a footprint in nearly every community.
- A large proportion of people who live in Grampian interact with us.
- We are a trusted brand.
We will use these characteristics, and the reach and influence they give us, to make a real difference, particularly:
- Through our power as an employer, making efforts to attract, train and recruit people from communities that need well-paid, skilled sustainable jobs.
- Through our purchasing and procurement power, choosing to purchase goods and services from local businesses to support the North East’s economy and create a sustainable local investment model.
- By opening up our buildings and facilities for communities to use.
What do we want to see 10 years from now?
- To be a desirable employment destination.
- To lead by example with people treated equally across our organisation.
- A workforce that reflects our communities.
- For considering our social responsibility to become normal practice in our decision-making.
- To be a trusted partner who uses our influence responsibly and effectively.
How will we know if we have achieved that?
- Increase in numbers employed from disadvantaged groups.
- Workforce diversity better reflects local population.
- Increased local procurement of goods and services.
- Greater multipurpose utility of our facilities and infrastructure.
Further Information
- The NHS as an Anchor Organisation - The NHS as an anchor institution (health.org.uk)
- What is meant by Circular Economy - 'Circular Economy'
- Delivering Scotland’s circular economy - Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill – Bills (proposed laws) – Scottish Parliament | Scottish Parliament Website