5-year Health Equity Plan (2024-29)


NHS Grampian's Plan for the Future sets out a vision to re-imagine the organisational purpose to reach beyond responding to poor health to one which equally invests in preventing harm, improving health and supporting communities across Grampian to thrive. After a period of improving life expectancy, improvements have been stalling over the past 10 years, and some inequalities have widened across Scotland.


This situation is the same in Grampian with persistent inequities in health existing between the least and most deprived neighbourhoods. To address this NHS Grampian have developed a 5-year Equity Plan with a longer-term ambition to reduce the gap in life expectancy between the most and least vulnerable groups in society. The plan builds on good work already in place and identifies a number of priority areas to focus on informed by data and what we know works from the evidence. 


Please see the links to the Health Equity Plan, Summary version and the 2023-24 Annual Report below.