Enabling Shared Care


Transformation in digital technology 

Electronic health records improve efficiency and their ongoing development will act as a catalyst for improving quality and safety in patient care.   

Our new Industrial Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research in Digital Diagnostics (iCAIRD) is transforming the way we work, for example digital diagnostics for breast screening.   

Local feedback indicates cautious support: 

Increased automation of services was always going to happen. COVID rapidly brought this on quicker. My only fear would be losing too much human contact and too quickly (some is essential and can’t be replaced by automation and remote services)”  


Shared decision-making in healthcare 

Moving away from a ‘doctor knows best’ culture for a more equal partnership with people and personalising care to what is really valued.  

 A strong theme in our focus groups was the importance of asking “what matters to you?” and designing services with the person at the centre.   


Learning Health System 

Using science, knowledge, experience and technology means we can identify what works best in health care and then share the lessons quickly to allow others to build on what’s being learned.   

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Prevention of harm and waste from overuse and over treatment  

By freeing up resources which are currently being used to no clinical benefit, we will be able to re-invest in healthcare that people really value.  

