healthpoint and carerspoint
Looking for help with your health?
Do you want to enjoy better health, or would you like information about a health condition? NHS Grampian healthpoints provide free, confidential, walk in advice and information on:
- Improving your health
- Health concerns
- Accessing NHS services
- Local and national support groups and organisations
We will tailor information and advice for your needs and in a suitable format, such as in large print or a different language.
If you want to improve your health, we can offer you a range of help, from simple advice to a personalised 'self care' folder. This folder has clear information and advice on making simple, practical changes to your lifestyle and about local support networks.
If you have been diagnosed with a condition, or want to find out about a health condition, we can offer information on the condition, sources of further information and details on local and
national support networks.
Visit us at the healthpoint in the Village Square, go to healthpoint or call our free healthline 08085 202030.
Do you look after a family member or friend?
The carerspoint is a joint venture between Aberdeen City Council, NHS Grampian and local voluntary organisations. Our aim is to provide information, advice and support to those who provide unpaid help and support to family members or friends in need of help because they are ill, frail, have a disability, mental illness or have a substance misuse problem.
Each week, the carerspoint will host different local organisations and groups with a remit specifically for carers.
They will provide information, support and advice on:
- Mental Wellbeing
- Physical Wellbeing
- Financial Support
- Training for Carers
- Support/Social Groups
Visit us at the carerspoint in the Village Square, or call the free healthline 08085 202030 to find out more.