Other useful information

Staff identification

All permanent members of staff wear a name badge that bears a photograph to help you identify them.

Moving and handling

We will help you to remain as independent as possible by encouraging you to move by yourself whenever you can.  If this is not possible due to your medical condition, we will use a variety of methods (which may involve using hoists and glide sheets) to help you. This will reduce the risk of injury to you and to us by eliminating unsafe lifting practices.

Patients' meals

Each day you will be given a choice of menu. Please let the nursing staff know if you are on a special diet, so they can inform the catering staff. A dietitian is able to help and advise on special diets.

Meal times:

Breakfast 7.15am to 8.00am

Lunch 12 noon to 1.00pm

Evening Meals 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Hot and cold drinks are served at other times during the day

Bringing food into hospital

When in hospital, relatives and friends often bring in a patient's favourite food from home, as a treat. Any food brought in for you should be branded goods, in sealed packets with a sell by date.  It should not require re-heating. Please speak to the nurse in charge before eating any food brought in for you.

Please note that the hospital cannot accept responsibility for foods not prepared by us.

Electrical equipment

Do not bring electrical equipment which connects to the mains supply (such as CD / DVD players, radios, hairdryers, etc) into the ward unless it is in good condition and is in safe working order.  All audio equipment must be used with earphones.  Before any items of mains-connected personal electrical equipment are used, please ask ward staff if there is a hospital electrician available who would be able to check the equipment before you use it.  The hospital cannot accept any liability for these checks or for loss, theft or damage to these items. 

A television set is provided in the day room of every ward. In some wards there are individual bedside terminals (Hospedia) which provide a range of entertainment and communication options.  There are charges for some of these services.  Personal portable televisions are not permitted where there is access to Hospedia.


Bedside TV entertainment is provided by Hospedia.  For further information please visit the Hospedia website.


Your full name and address should be marked on letters and parcels sent to you.  For example

Mrs Mary Smith (not Mrs John Smith)
Ward .....
Dr Gray's Hospital
IV30 1SN

Benefits and pensions while in hospital

Some benefits/pensions may have to be reduced during periods spent in hospital. You should therefore tell the appropriate office of the Department for Work and Pensions at once of your admission to hospital.

Sickness Benefit / Statutory Sick Pay

If you are employed, you may need a medical certificate (form Med 10). Please ask the nurse in charge for a form and send the completed certificate to your employer. Failure to do this may result in the loss of Sickness Benefit.

Leaving hospital

When you are discharged home, the hospital doctor will write to your family doctor, advising him / her about the treatment you received while in hospital, and if appropriate, outline the plans for continuation of your treatment.

Published: 26/11/2020 15:47