Since 2006, acupuncture proved particularly effective for patients attending the physio clinic. In 2009, demand led to the development of the acupuncture clinic where patients are treated either by the Information Support Nurse or Physio. Occasionally appointments are offered throughout the week and a third member of the Oaks staff (nurse), also carries out treatments. We all trained through the British Medical Acupuncture Society (BMAS) who use a western medical approach. BMAS has a website ( and quarterly scientific journal, 'Acupuncture in Medicine' published under the BMJ group. Members are regularly contributing to the growing body of medical evidence supporting medical acupuncture.
Contact The Oaks Tel: 01343 562460 or 555104 and ask for the Macmillan Physio. Referrals can be made by phone, in writing or in person. We would appreciate a summary of presenting complaint, underlying diagnosis, relevant recent investigations, GP details and a summary of present medications where possible.
Published: 23/03/2021 14:24