Along with the whole team at The Oaks, the physio aims to monitor any pain or difficulties related to the everyday assorted activities carried out by patients in day care, observing problems and addressing them promptly where possible.
In particular during day care, patients are given the opportunity to access physio treatment. Following thorough assessment these include:
- Supply of walking aids/wheelchair (in particular with the OT)
- Joint mobilising (knees, hips, shoulders, low back, neck etc)
- Muscle strengthening - usually an initial 'start up' exercise programme progressing to use of gym equipment where possible.
- Practicing transferring from chair to bed, on/off the toilet and managing stairs
- Advice on pacing for cancer related fatique
- Exercises/advice to help with oedema
- Exercises and advice for breathlessness
- Instruction for correcting unhelpful postures
- Relaxation sessions
- Pain management: advice on use and supply of TENS machines, paraffin wax baths (sore hands/feet especially after chemotherapy), ultrasound for non-cancer soft tissue inflammation/injury, soft tissue massage (e.g. post-mastectomy scars and tethering), hydrotherapy (modified) in our huge Oaks bath.
Physiotherapy sessions are mostly on a one-to-one basis with the exception of the relaxation group, which is carried out by the occupational therapist, unit nurses and physiotherapist. There are 2 interdisciplinary assistants who also supervise treatments and sessions in the gym. We also now have the benefit of a 'Wii Fit' for more lighthearted small group fitness sessions in the gym.
Published: 23/03/2021 14:22