
Lord Lieutenant of Moray Thank You

The Lord Lieutenant of Moray, Major General Seymour Monro, who is Her Majesty The Queen's representative for the area, has issued a special message of thanks to the county's health and social care staff.

Health and social care services to benefit from £200,000 donation

The local response to the COVID-19 pandemic is set to receive a significant boost, with a £200,000 donation from Klondyke Fishing Company Limited, a fishing business owned by the Tait family of Fraserburgh.

Patients and guardians urged not to delay getting treatment for sick children

Senior clinicians at Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital have urged parents and guardians not to delay seeking treatment for youngsters if they become unwell.

NHS Heroes welcome first batch of Brewdog Hand Sanitiser

NHS staff in Aberdeen have welcomed the first delivery of medical standard hand sanitiser from BrewDog. The brewing company, based in the North East, has turned its focus to producing so-called 'BrewDog Sanitiser' at its distillery in Aberdeenshire to distribute for free amid shortages driven by the coronavirus pandemic.