Lord Lieutenant of Moray Thank You

Published: 28/04/2020 00:00
The Lord Lieutenant of Moray, Major General Seymour Monro, who is Her Majesty The Queen's representative for the area, has issued a special message of thanks to the county's health and social care staff.
In the open message, the General recognises staff for their 'extraordinary' efforts to protect the Moray public. It also comes after he learned of the herculean efforts made over the last fortnight to put in place anticipatory care plans for more than 1,000 of Moray's most high-risk patients.
He said: "My wife, Angela, and I join the entire country in clapping for our healthcare staff each Thursday night and I am deeply proud of the stories I'm hearing about the extraordinary work being done in Moray.
"Her Majesty said in recent address to the nation that she hopes "...in years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge".
"Each and every one of the people working in health and social care in Moray will undoubtedly be able to do just that. Whether it's the doctors, nurses and other clinical staff or the crucial teams behind the scenes that keep our hospitals, surgeries and other facilities running. I am very conscious of all the wonderful efforts being made in residential homes.
"We're hugely fortunate to be able to depend on you in this time of national emergency and, on behalf of the people of Moray, I thank you for everything you are doing."
He added: "I know it hasn't been easy, in part due to the scarcity of some resources, and there have been some really challenging times already. That includes the treating of people who are ill at the moment with the first class level of care you are renowned for, or carrying out the mammoth task of ensuring that anticipatory care plans are in place for the most vulnerable people in Moray.
"It's not just the volume of work involved. I understand the sensitively and compassion these situations require - especially when discussing a person's options should they become very ill. That can be very draining for both patients and staff.
"It is astonishing and humbling that more than 1,000 of these special care plans have been put together over the last fortnight and I am full of admiration, pride and thanks for that and everything else you are doing for us.
"Finally I would just like to add my thanks to everyone who is working or volunteering to support our communities though this anxious period. Thank you."