Test & Protect Grampian

Published: 01/06/2020 00:00
Test & Protect, NHS Scotland's plan to help break the cycle of transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the community, is now well underway in Grampian.
NHS Grampian said that since the launch of the initiative last Thursday, over 1,000 tests for Covid 19 have been carried out across the North East.
The Health Board also confirmed that to date, 180 people have been trained by NHS Grampian as contact tracers - a role the region's Director of Public Health Susan Webb has described as vital in the fight against COVID-19.
Contact Tracers have been recruited and trained over the last few weeks from within the NHS, Health and Social Care Partnerships and from across a host of public sector organisations including Aberdeen City, Moray and Aberdeenshire Councils and Grampian Housing Association.
Susan Webb said: "We really need everyone to play their part if we are to continue to slow the spread of this virus and the numbers coming forward to work with us as contact tracers from across the public sector over the last few weeks has been a huge boost.
"Contact tracers are absolutely vital - they are our first line of defence as a community and responsible for quickly identifying the close contacts of anyone who tests positive and then working with those people to help them isolate as matter of urgency."
Mrs Webb explained that those who are defined as close contacts will be asked to isolate for 14 days to keep their community and loved ones safe.
"The 14-day period is important because, if they have the virus, it may take that length of time for it to develop into an illness," she said.
"There is no doubt that for many people the questions the team need to ask will seem unusual and a little intrusive. That includes things about where a person has been, who they've been in contact with recently and details on how long.
"We wouldn't be asking these questions if it wasn't essential and accurate, timely responses will undoubtedly help save lives.
"I'd also like to reassure people, as with everything the NHS does, your answers are completely confidential.  No one is told who the infected person is without their consent." 
Since the launch of Test and Protect anyone with symptoms of Coronavirus is being told to isolate immediately and book a test as soon as possible.
Tests can be booked easily by calling 0800 028 2816 or online at www.nhsinform.scot/coronavirus Symptoms of the virus can include a new, persistent cough, high temperature or loss or change in taste or smell.
Mrs Webb also paid tribute to people across Grampian for their efforts in limiting the spread of the virus over the last few months: "From the moment the outbreak first hit people across the north east have been fantastic - whether that is through clap for carers, their donations to frontline staff or in coming forward in their thousands to volunteer. Those efforts have had a huge impact and have really made a difference.
"We are now at one of the most dangerous points in the response to the pandemic and we need people's support to continue. The absolute best way to do that is by strictly complying if you are asked to isolate.
"That will be challenging for people - we know that - but none of us can afford to be complacent as we move forward. I hope no one needs reminding of the tragic, human impact the virus has had even here in Grampian. We know at least 100 people have lost their lives to this virus in our area and we all owe it to them, and to their loved ones, to ensure we do everything we can to limit its spread in the weeks ahead."
For further information about Test and Protect, visit www.nhsinform.scot/coronavirus. Information about how to get additional support if you need to isolate can be obtained from your contact tracer or via the Grampian Humanitarian Assistance Hub at www.gcah.org.uk or on 0808 196 3384.