Flu vaccination programme makes good progress

Published: 30/10/2020 00:00
More than 76,000 people in the over 65 and under 65 at risk cohorts in Grampian have now received their free winter flu immunisation.
Additional staff are working in the flu helpline centre and dealing with queries sent to the dedicated email account.
Susan Webb, Director of Public Health for NHS Grampian said: "I am really heartened by the progress we are making, and I hope this goes some way to reassure people across the region.
"Our priority right now remains those aged 65 and over and anyone aged 18-64 with a medical condition which puts them at increased risk. If people in either of those groups have not received a letter yet, please be patient. We are issuing hundreds of appointment letters each day. If you received details of your appointment with us too late, please accept my sincere apologies. We are arranging local 'catch-up' clinics to ensure everyone who wants to receive the vaccine can do so. Details of these will be advertised as soon as we can confirm them.
"I know our programme got off to a difficult start this year. We are adapting and refining our processes to deal with these issues. I am really pleased people are taking the risk of flu seriously and want to get the vaccine to protect themselves and those around them. I am absolutely confident that - in line with previous years - the majority of the programme will be completed by mid-December. This is when flu really begins to circulate and spread."
The vaccination programme for other key groups is already in place. School immunisations have just started, while community midwives in Aberdeenshire and Moray and the team at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital are supporting immunisation in pregnancy. 
Ms Webb added: "I want to say thank you to all the people who've taken the time to write in and compliment us following their vaccination this year. The move to immunisation clinics and all the complications of COVID-19 can be daunting, but it is testament to the hard work and professionalism of our staff that so many have found it to be a simple and efficient process."
Performance as of 30/10/20:
  • 61,239 over 65s (equivalent to 66% of the eligible population) vaccinated
  • 15,574 under 65s/at risk due to medical condition (equivalent to 58% of eligible population) vaccinated