Full Business Case Addendum

Published: 17/09/2020 00:00
Work to deliver the new Baird Family Hospital and ANCHOR Centre, in Aberdeen, has taken a further major step forward.
The board of NHS Grampian, today, supported an update to the Full Business Case (FBC) for investment in The Baird Family Hospital and ANCHOR Centre on the Foresterhill Health Campus. Scottish Government (SG) approval is now required before construction work can begin.
The Full Business Case was considered originally in February 2020. Since then a supported National Design Assessment Process (NDAP) from Health Facilities Scotland (HFS) has been put in place and an external design review has been completed.  Additionally, NHS Grampian (NHSG) has been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic which saw the country in lockdown. During this time, the health board focused on essential clinical activities and the construction industry was suspended, except for specific essential projects.
Following lockdown NHSG, working with the main contractor, - GRAHAM, HFS and SG, has sought to close out the activities required to allow the FBC submitted in February to be approved by SG and also to outline the cost impact of the programme delay resulting from completion of these works and the delay associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The revised project forecast is £233.2 million.  
These approvals will allow NHSG to progress formal discussions with the main contractor, GRAHAM Construction, and to enter into contract and commence construction hopefully in January 2021, with a programme of site mobilisation activities scheduled to be completed in the run up to Christmas 2020. These include a short programme of works to lower a number of lampposts adjacent to the site, located on Westburn Road.
This exciting new development will help modernise patient care at the Foresterhill Health Campus, which is one of Europe's biggest healthcare sites, and is part of NHS Grampian's continued investment in new or upgraded facilities across the north-east.
Board members were told the FBC confirms the proposed arrangements for the construction of The ANCHOR Centre which is anticipated to open in spring 2023 and The Baird Family Hospital in winter 2023.
Site preparatory works completed in July 2019 saw existing buildings demolished, roads realignment and a range of service diversions undertaken in advance of the main construction works.
Project director, Jackie Bremner said: "Once the business case approvals are in place, plans for the main programme of works will commence with our construction partner GRAHAM.
"This is an extremely exciting and important milestone which will allow the project to move to construction. It is also the result of six years of hard work for hundreds of people including clinical staff, patients, and members of the public, designers, and construction colleagues.
"These magnificent new facilities, will benefit patients and their families for many years to come."
She added: "The development of The Baird Family Hospital and The ANCHOR Centre, will change the Westburn Road face of the Foresterhill Health Campus in Aberdeen and support the delivery of modern, high quality health services for the people of Grampian and the north of Scotland for many years to come."
Professor Mike Greaves, clinical lead for ANCHOR said: "Despite the very significant recent and current challenges, including the global pandemic and external project review, the Baird and ANCHOR team have worked tirelessly to progress the project.
"The enthusiasm of those involved in the assessment, treatment and support of patients with cancer and disorders of the blood and bone marrow around the provision of much needed state-of-the-art facilities for outpatient care, research, teaching and training is undiminished. We all look forward immensely to the commencement of the construction phase."
Dr Mike Munro, consultant neonatologist and clinical lead for The Baird Family Hospital said: "I know that recently staff involved in the planning of the Baird, have been focused on the COVID pandemic and they have everyone's thanks for all their work helping to keep us all safe.
"Despite these most challenging times, the project has progressed, and I am delighted that the FBC Addendum is supported and another milestone reached, in the building of The Baird Family Hospital.
"In light of the pandemic, The Baird family Hospital will mean all the more when it opens its doors and welcomes its first patient. It will truly symbolise everything the NHS stands for and reward all the efforts of the staff and patient groups involved."
Chris MacLeod, regional director for GRAHAM, said: "We have worked closely with NHS Grampian over the last three years to reach this point in the project, we are delighted that the full business case is now being formally considered for approval.
"We look forward to continuing our partnership with NHS Grampian and delivering exemplar facilities for the patients within the North East region and beyond."