Don’t let May Day weekend descend into mayhem!

Published: 28/04/2021 09:12

28 April 2021


The Emergency Department team at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary are encouraging everyone across Grampian to have a safe and enjoyable long weekend – and to ensure their night out doesn’t end up in the waiting room or a treatment bay. 

Jeni Nelson, a staff nurse in the Emergency Department, said: “With the reopening of hospitality and the upcoming Public Holiday, we know lots of people will be looking forward to finally getting out to socialise with friends again. That’s completely understandable, as the last few months have been really tough for everyone. We want people to have a night to remember, not a night to regret. 

“Remember that pubs and bars can only serve alcohol outside at present, so dress appropriately, especially with the current forecast. Pace yourself – opening hours will be shorter for a while, but that doesn’t mean you need to start early or drink at speed. Make sure you have had something to eat before you head out. Have a plan for getting home safely and know your limits – you’re not obliged to stay out until closing time. 

Claire Chernouski, a Physician Associate in the Emergency Department said: “It’s important to remember that COVID-19 still poses a risk to all of us. We’ve seen first-hand in Aberdeen how quickly cases can get out of control and none of us want to end up with another lockdown. This time around we need to take it steady if we want to keep making progress. So, remember your face mask or face covering and use it wherever it is required. We know the hospitality trade is working hard to open up safely, so please comply with all the measures they’re putting in place. Think quality, not quantity, for the size of your social group. Also, we can’t meet up in each other’s households just yet, so for now the after-party will have to wait.” 

Jeni Nelson added: “I know everyone just wants to have some fun, relax, and forget about COVID-19, even for a little while. I completely understand that, and we aren’t issuing this advice to be killjoys. I love working in the Emergency Department, but it is not the place you want to end up in after a night out. You don’t need to pack four months worth of socialising into one weekend, so stay safe and – in the nicest possible way – we don’t want to see you!