Dr Gray’s Hospital to support urological cancer care for North of Scotland patients

Published: 12/02/2021 09:53

Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin will provide enhanced diagnostic capacity for patients suffering from urological cancers in the North of Scotland from later this month.

As part of a Scottish Government funded initiative, the hospital in Elgin will temporarily combine with Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and Raigmore Hospital in Inverness to help reduce waiting times for urology patients in the north.

The provision of additional support will run until the end of March 2021, during which time the joint initiative will have a significant impact on cancer care.

Alasdair Pattinson, General Manager of Dr Gray’s Hospital, said: “This project builds on our relationships with Raigmore and ARI and recognises the two hospitals’ ongoing efforts to increase collaboration and work across Health Board boundaries.

“As we respond to the Covid-19 pandemic and current pressures with health and social care, it has never been more important for colleagues and communities to work together. We are therefore committed to making best possible use of our combined facilities and expertise to benefit the local and regional population.”

Katherine Sutton, NHS Highland's Chief Officer for Acute Services, said: "We are delighted to work collaboratively with our NHS Grampian colleagues to help increase capacity which will enable Highland Urology patients access to services through Dr Grays Hospital."

The support means Dr Gray’s Hospital will see urology Day Case patients who would otherwise have their diagnostic procedure at Raigmore and will not adversely impact Dr Gray’s capacity to provide other services – which continue without interruption.