NHS Grampian has thanked a street art festival and artist for a stunning mural created on the side of one of its buildings

Published: 30/07/2021 11:19

NHS Grampian has thanked a street art festival and artist for a stunning mural created on the side of one of its buildings.

At an official unveiling yesterday (29/07/2021) morning, the health board’s Chief Executive, Caroline Hiscox, said the mural – created by the prolific London-based street artist Fanakapan as part of Aberdeen Inspired’s Nuart Aberdeen street art festival – would “bring a smile to the faces of both patients and staff” following a tough 18 months during the Covid-19 pandemic.

She said: “We are so thankful to Aberdeen Inspired for the stunning mural that has been created on the Health Village – it really has brought a smile to the faces of both patients and staff. I’ve never seen anything quite like it.

“All health and social care staff have experienced an 18 month period like no other, and that continues currently, but for those passing by or arriving to work at the facility every day the artwork is a real reminder to smile and that better times will return.

“I’d like to thank Aberdeen Inspired organisers of Nuart Aberdeen and Fanakapan for the incredible artwork and once again publicly thank our staff for their continued efforts through the pandemic – you have all been outstanding.”

The image, dubbed ‘Pulling Faces Aberdeen’ by the artist, took over 40 hours to create.

Building manager Sandy Reid said: “We are already getting positive feedback from patients who are arriving for appointments. Several have been just stunned by it, it truly is a unique piece.

“For some time now, we have had art exhibitions and installation within the Health Village and we were thrilled to be able to team-up with Aberdeen Inspired to give them the canvas for an artist coming as part of Nuart Aberdeen to create this world-class piece. This strengthens the building’s connection to art in a very visible and high-profile way – we really are thrilled by what Fanakapan has created.

“Of all the murals created as part of the festival over the years it is arguably the most colourful and smile inducing – but we may be biased!

“From all the staff at the Health Village, I’d like to say thank you to Nuart Aberdeen, Aberdeen Inspired and Fanakapan - we’ll all be able to enjoy this for years and years to come.”

Aberdeen Inspired chief executive, Adrian Watson said: “NHS staff have given so much for all of us in these last 18 months and to be able to give something to them, through Nuart Aberdeen, is something we were delighted to be able to do.

“We hope it will bring smiles to the faces of staff and patients. It truly is a world-class piece of art. We’d like to thank NHS Grampian and its partners for allowing us to the use the wall and to Fanakapan for creating the amazing image – it truly is something unique and special.”