Aberdeen University Community Testing Facility opens up for all

Published: 10/03/2021 16:54

In support of the response to the pandemic, the city- based facility for key workers without Covid-19 symptoms will now be opened to anyone from Monday 8th March.

The facility is co-located at the University of Aberdeen’s Butchart Centre on University Road, where testing for students will continue in parallel with the public who will be able to book a test at their convenience.

It is estimated that one in three people with coronavirus do not display symptoms (are ‘asymptomatic’) and may spread the virus without realising it. This type of community testing can therefore provide additional protection for the families, friends and co-workers of key workers, who may be at increased risk of infection.

Those wishing to use the facility must book their test in advance and this can be done via the booking portal (https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/UniversityofAberdeenCOVIDTestingCentre1@365abdn.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/). Anyone who is asymptomatic can be tested twice a week three days apart.

NHS Grampian’s Head of Health Intelligence, Jillian Evans, said: “Community testing is voluntary but we hope that providing easy access to tests for any members of the public as well as key workers without symptoms, will encourage people to come forward.

“This will help us identify cases that would otherwise be missed and, whilst it will increase the number of positive cases reported in Aberdeen, is an important expansion of our testing programme that will help us understand and suppress the virus.”

Tests are self-administered by taking a swab sample from the back of the throat and nose. The process takes minutes and results will be sent by the NHS via text or email normally within 90 minutes.

Anyone testing positive with a lateral flow test will be asked to have their result confirmed using a PCR test so that they can self-isolate where necessary to help stop the spread.

Debbie Dyker, Director of People at the University, said: “We are delighted to be supporting the city’s response to managing the pandemic. Our Testing Centre has supported the testing of our students to enable them to travel home safely to family prior to Christmas, and also supported those students that have been required to return to University this term in a safe manner. By getting tested not just once but regularly, key workers and others will be doing what they can to keep our community safe.”

The University of Aberdeen facility is the only one in the city and will soon be joined by further sites in Aberdeenshire and Moray as part of Grampian’s participation in a trial announcement by Health Secretary Jeane Freeman earlier this month.