Things to remember when attending your COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment

Published: 22/03/2021 15:38

If you've got a vaccination appointment coming up, there are some important things to remember:

DO make every effort to attend the appointment you've been allocated. If you really cannot attend, please use the contact details in your letter to let us know. This means we offer the slot to someone else and avoid wasting vaccine.

DON'T attend your appointment if you've been advised to self-isolate by the Test & Protect team or if you are displaying any of the known symptoms of COVID-19. As above, use the contact details in your letter to rearrange your appointment.

DON'T turn up to any vaccination clinic without an appointment. You will not be seen. We run clinics very carefully and trying to attend without an appointment puts staff in the difficult position of turning you away.

DO bring any medication you are prescribed for long term conditions e.g. angina, diabetes with you.

DO make sure you eat and drink something before your appointment. If you have diabetes, please let the vaccination team know. Bring dextrose sweets/jelly babies/pure fruit juice with you to prevent a hypo.

DO remember that vaccine appointments are an essential journey. THInC can provide advice on public/community transport options. Car-sharing is permitted, with precautions, if you have no other options.

DON'T take photos or videos at any of our vaccination clinics. We ask this out of respect to the confidentiality of our staff and all those attending to be vaccinated. You can take photos outside the venue or add our frame/Twibbon to your profile picture once vaccinated.