NearMe appointment service launches from Elgin Library

Published: 24/08/2022 09:59

NHS Grampian

24th August 2022


NearMe appointment service launches from Elgin Library

A new initiative, launching on Thursday 25 August, will see Elgin Library play a key role in helping local people access health and social care appointments.

The ‘NearMe in Libraries’ scheme builds on the existing ‘NearMe’ video consulting service that allows people to attend both 1:1 and group session appointments remotely, wherever is convenient and appropriate for them. Elgin Library will allow access to the technology, private space and support people may need to attend remote appointments.

The new initiative is not a ‘walk-in’ service, but individuals, who have a prebooked Near Me appointment, are able to book the dedicated, private space in the library by phoning 01343 562600.

The ‘NearMe’ service is already widely used across Scotland for health and social care appointments with around 45,000 consultations being held every month.

A drop-in session between 2pm-4pm on Thursday 25 August will give Moray residents the chance to find out more about how the appointments work and what is available in Elgin Library.

Moray Council’s Principal Librarian, David Hayden, said: “Introducing the option of NearMe appointments through the library service is a great leap forward for patients in Moray who may not have access to the technology required or be confident in its use.

“Our team are ready and waiting to help those who wish to make use of the confidential set-up in Elgin Library as we trial this option. We know there can often be a fair journey for people in Moray to access appointments so if we can ease that pressure on both residents and healthcare services then we’ll consider this initiative a success.”

The new option will:

  • Make accessing health and social care services more convenient
    Make appointments easier to attend (if you usually need someone to take you to appointments)
  • Enable people to have someone with them for support at the appointment (either at the ‘Near Me in Libraries’ setting, or by joining the consultation via video link from another location even from abroad)
  • Be better for the environment by reducing travel
  • Reduce the risk of spread of infectious diseases
  • Reduce time and cost
  • Reduce time away from work, school or home

NHS Grampian’s Acting Assistant Support Manager for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Erin McGregor explained why this development is a welcome step forward for their team:

“We have been offering families the option to attend appointments online for some time and around half are continuing to enjoy the benefit of speaking to us this way. Sometimes folks’ connection, wifi or device don’t work so it will be great for people to be able to take part from a private room in their local library, whether they’re joining for 1:1 or peer support.”

Dr Ann Wales, Programme Director, Knowledge and Decision Support, Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre, said: “The ‘Near Me’ initiative is a great example of how libraries are becoming active partners in the delivery of health and care. It shows how libraries are ideally positioned to provide a go-to place for health information and support in their communities and confirms the key role of libraries in addressing digital inequalities. This project is the first in a series of pathfinder projects being progressed through the Collective Force for Health and Wellbeing action plan, all focused on libraries empowering citizens and communities to take more control over their health and wellbeing.”

Rosie Cooper, National Improvement Lead for the ‘Near Me’ programme added: “Scaling up video consultations is a key national priority as use of video will help to allow greater and more convenient access to both routine appointments and specialist support from anywhere in the country.

“The libraries selected cover a diverse range of settings and population types and will be used to test the feasibility. This will include creating confidential booking systems and establishing communication and partnership with local services.”

The pilot results will set the groundwork to inform further rollout for public libraries across the country to begin delivering ‘Near Me’ access as part of their core services.