NHS Grampian Fast-tracks Moray Maternity Upgrade

Published: 15/12/2022 17:33
NHS Grampian’s board have approved ambitious plans to expand Moray maternity services with consultant-led obstetric services delivered at Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin potentially as soon as late 2026. The Board endorsed the plan today (Thursday 15th December) following its recent visit to Dr Gray’s Hospital and engagement with partner NHS Highland and discussions with the Scottish Government.
The plan, produced jointly by NHS Grampian and NHS Highland, outlines a clear plan for the delivery of a full consultant-led service, delivered through a networked model with both Boards working in partnership.
The plans, which are in response to the Scottish Government commissioned report (2021), will now be submitted to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care for approval.
Within the plans, Moray mums will benefit from a full range of midwife and consultant-led services, including a dedicated theatre with associated equipment, available 24-hours a day for emergency obstetric use. To deliver the service a wide range of new staff will be recruited to work to the facility, including midwives, obstetric consultants and anaesthetists, and a recruitment and marketing plan has been developed which in 2023 will start attracting applicants to the North of Scotland. The plan also explains the accommodation and equipment requirements related to expanding services.
The plans provide context and background, as well as outlining the benefits of delivering a networked model and how this could provide the foundation for a full consultant-led service. This is an important step in the journey as it includes expanded antenatal care, scanning and foetal medicine care in Elgin delivered by consultants and midwives.
Simon Bokor-Ingram, Chief Officer for Moray Health and Social Care Partnership, who is leading plans for NHS Grampian to re-shape maternity services in Elgin commented:
"Our fast-tracked proposals envision the delivery of a contemporary, sustainable obstetric service, alongside the existing excellent midwife-led service, by 2026. This will bring significant benefits to Moray mums and their families and compliment services being delivered at Dr Gray’s Hospital. As well as new facilities, the plan sets out the range of new midwives and other staff that will be required to deliver the service.
“A great deal of planning has gone into these proposals and I wish to thank all those who have contributed to them. However, we don’t underestimate the work that will be required to set up the enhanced services within the proposed timeframe. We expect the Scottish Government will provide early feedback and the funding required so we can make progress as soon as practical."