Top tips for staying safe over the festive party season

Published: 02/12/2022 06:00

1 December 2022




With Christmas parties set to get into full swing this weekend, NHS Grampian is encouraging everyone to have a fun and safe festive season.


John Mooney, Consultant in Public Health, said: “This will be the first opportunity we’ve had to properly celebrate Christmas with colleagues and friends since 2019 and I know how many people are looking forward to these events.


“I’m not here to be a party pooper, only to remind people to know their limits, and to ensure all they are left with the morning after is great memories.”


By taking the following simple steps, everyone across north-east Scotland can ensure they have a night to remember, not one to forget:

Make a plan for your night out, stick with friends, charge your mobile and remember to take it with you.

Think about how you’ll get home. Arrange a lift from a relative or friend, or if you’re planning to get a taxi, why not book it in advance?

Drink responsibly. Make sure you’ve had something to eat before you head out and make every other drink a soft drink

Always remember the festive season can be a really challenging time for those with problematic alcohol use or in recovery, so if someone turns down an offer of an alcoholic drink, just respect that decision.

If you’re concerned that your drinks – or the drinks of friends – have been tampered with, speak to staff at the bar or club, they’ll be able to help you.

Avoid confrontations, and just walk away. Be aware that “One punch can ruin two lives.”

John added: “I would also strongly encourage everyone to pop some condoms into their wallet or purse. You may not be planning to have sex but having the right protection with you – and using it – will minimise the risk of pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection (STI). This message applies no matter how old you are; STIs have no age limit.”