Avian influenza – advice to the public

Published: 28/01/2022 11:03

A record number of cases of avian influenza (or ‘bird flu’ as it’s commonly known) have been confirmed across England, Scotland, and Wales in wild and captive birds this winter. While avian influenza is not uncommon in winter and the risk to human health from infected birds is very low, a human case of avian ‘flu was confirmed in England earlier this month. As such, the public are advised not to touch sick or dead birds. 

Wild birds across the north-east of Scotland are known to have been infected. NHS Grampian health protection team have been following up individuals known to have been in contact with infected birds, including swans, geese, and buzzards. Previously observed seasonal migration patterns suggest an expected increase in flocks of wild birds across the north-east of Scotland over the next few weeks. 

Please do not handle or touch any sick or dead wild bird. Please leave the bird where it has been found, and then inform the Department of Environment, Food, & Rural Affairs by telephone on 03459 33 55 77. 

Scottish Government advice 


UK Health Security Agency blog post 
