
The Mortuary and Greenspace Projects - Construction

Anyone who has visited the Foresterhill Health Campus in recent weeks will have witnessed the preparatory works for The Mortuary and Green Space Project. The new two-storey mortuary facility is to be built adjacent to the greenfield site next to Foresterhill Health Clinic and will be an integrated post-mortem examination facility and storage for the deceased that will offer mortuary services within a single facility to serve the population of the North-east of Scotland and Northern Isles.

Helping your Neighbourhood

Did you know 1 in 5 people now live alone in Scotland? The population of people aged 75 years and older is projected to increase in all areas of Scotland over the next few years and in Grampian, the number of people aged over 85 is already nearly three times higher than it was 50 years ago.

Health board launches pilot to make care planning smoother

Health board launches pilot to make care planning smoother

NHS Grampian participates in energy support pilot

NHS Grampian participates in energy support pilot

North-East Scotland & Northern Isles Integrated Mortuary Project

Final construction contract approved for the new £30m Integrated Mortuary Facility to be built on the Foresterhill Health Campus.

Extending the breadth of healthcare professions who can issue Fit-Notes

NHS Grampian is running a pilot project in support of the national policy to broaden the range of health professionals able to provide Fit-Notes (or ‘sick lines’ as some people may refer to them).

Help shape future of heart disease research with workshop in Aberdeen

A free event at Robert Gordon University will aim to better understand and prioritise the future needs of cardiovascular patients across the north of Scotland.

‘Check your kit’ advice for Naloxone

NHS Grampian is urging everyone who holds Naloxone equipment to check their kit, following a warning from manufacturers. Naloxone kits should include two needles; however, it has emerged some kits in France contain only one – or no – needles. The brand affected is known as Prenoxad.

Job opportunities highlighted as services head into winter

As NHS Grampian prepares for winter alongside Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray Health and Social Care Partnerships, the need for people who would like to work in a caring role has never been greater.