Extending the breadth of healthcare professions who can issue Fit-Notes

Published: 21/11/2022 10:38

NHS Grampian is running a pilot project in support of the national policy to broaden the range of health professionals able to provide Fit-Notes (or ‘sick lines’ as some people may refer to them).  

The law has changed to support this development in the way Fit-Notes are certified but this doesn't change who you should turn to just yet. New arrangements are being tested by a handful of teams, with the intention of this being rolled out across NHS Grampian early next year.   The idea is that Fit-Notes will be issued by those caring directly for you, either in a hospital or community setting, rather than you having to make another appointment with your GP. It means registered nurses, pharmacists (excluding community pharmacists), occupational therapists and physiotherapists will be able to issue Fit-Notes, if they are providing care to a person and following a full assessment of a person’s fitness for work.   So, if you are offered a Fit-Note by your occupational therapist or others who may be caring for you – this is all part of the roll-out of a new process and should simplify who you can go to in future. Your data will be stored in the same way, with only those caring for you seeing your information. If you have any questions, please refer to your care provider.