Engage with us on Dr Gray’s Hospital maternity services

Published: 27/10/2022 10:37

As part of the ongoing process of re-designing maternity services for Moray and delivering a networked model, as an interim step towards an obstetric-led service at Dr Gray’s Hospital, NHS Grampian is keen to engage with local people and hear your views.

The health board’s community engagement manager for maternity and parent and infant mental health services, Hannah Ronald, will be visiting a number of local groups in the coming weeks. She’s keen to hear about your maternity experiences (antenatal, birth and postnatal), talk through the proposed plans, and answer any questions you may have on the current or future service provision.

Hannah explains: “The Scottish Government instructed NHS Grampian and NHS Highland to begin work towards a shared maternity model, networked ‘Model 4’, earlier this year. Since then both Health Boards have been working together towards this goal whilst putting local needs at the heart of a wider and changing health system

“In the meantime, work is also underway on the development of a plan to deliver Model 6, a full obstetric service based in Moray, and we’re keen to work in partnership with the local community and hear what people have to say.”

Hannah will be visiting the locations below, with more dates to be confirmed for November and December, including Toy Toon in Elgin, Shrimps Soft Play in Findhorn, Manshay Holistic Baby Massage, and antenatal classes across Moray.


Time & Date 


Happy Mums Market 

Saturday 29th October 

10:00am -12:00pm 

Elgin Town Hall 

BabySteps – small steps to a healthier pregnancy 

Thursday 3rd November  

12:30pm – 2:30pm 

The Bosie, 85 High Street, Elgin 

Moray Sling Library 

Friday 4th November  

10:00am – 12:00pm 

Moray College 

Bookbugs Elgin 

Friday 11th November  

2:00pm – 3:30pm 

Elgin Library 

Bookbugs Lossiemouth 

Thursday 24th November  

10:30am – 12:00pm 

Elgin Library 

Bookbugs Buckie 

Thursday 1st December 

11:00am – 12:30pm 

Buckie Library 

Bookbugs Aberlour  

Thursday 1st December 

1:45pm – 3:15pm 

Aberlour Library 

NHS Grampian is committed to broadening the range of maternity and foetal medicine services in Elgin as part of wider plans for Dr Gray’s Hospital.

Simon Bokor-Ingram, chief officer of Moray’s Health and Social Care Partnership, who is leading the development of these plans adds: “It’s essential the planning for maternity services ties in with wider plans for Dr Gray’s and there’s a lot to look forward to.

“Supporting the recruitment and retention of staff to health and social care services is a crucial part of what we’re aiming to do, and this is all very much part of NHS Grampian’s Plan for the Future.

“We are absolutely committed to developing and delivering services which are safe and sustainable. Continuing to engage with local people will help us to make sure everyone can help shape the future of healthcare in Moray.”

Anyone keen to help shape the development of maternity services on an ongoing basis is encouraged to join their local, independent Maternity Voices Partnership. In Moray, get in touch by emailing moraymvp@gmail.com 

Alternatively, contact NHS Grampian by emailing gram.maternityengagement@nhs.scot 

View NHS Grampian’s business case for delivering a networked model (Model 4): 05.00moraymaternityservicesanddghstrategicplan.pdf (nhsgrampian.org)

View NHS Highland’s business case for delivering a networked model (Model 4): M&NN Business Case Final Draft - 080922 (2).docx (scot.nhs.uk)