Westhill Pharmacy update

Published: 17/01/2023 13:24

Between June - October 2022, NHS Grampian and A & L Porter Ltd conducted a consultation on a proposal to open a new pharmacy in Westhill.

During the consultation it became clear the residents of Westhill would be happy with the current pharmacy provision if the service and opening times were adequate. This, coupled with the length of time it could take to build a new pharmacy facility, led to an approach to the operator of the existing pharmacies in Westhill to ask if they would consider selling those businesses.

This was agreed and A & L Porter Ltd took over these businesses in December 2022. All existing staff were kept on and an additional five staff members recruited. The pharmacies are open full-time, both offering a prescription delivery service if required, and offer Pharmacy First Plus with independent pharmacist prescribers covering both branches. Feedback to date, from both customers and staff, has been positive and A & L Porter Ltd are considering further service improvements, including a 24-hour prescription collection kiosk.

As such, A & L Porter Ltd have withdrawn their application to open a third pharmacy in the area.

NHS Grampian is pleased the matter has been brought to a good conclusion for all those involved and thanks everyone who participated in the consultation last year.